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3. Safeguarding

Tunbridge Wells Hockey Club (and therefore TW Flyerz) has adopted England Hockey's policies on Safeguarding as the basis for our own Child Protection and Adult Protection Policies which can be found here:
Documents - Safeguarding

While the Club's Adult Protection Policies address generally our policies in respect of "at risk individuals", as a matter of practice, TW Flyerz will in addition apply the same parental consent requirements as apply to our junior members to any of our TW Flyerz members who are over 18 and have learning difficulties or disabilities.

Our primary concern at all times is the welfare and safety of our TW Flyerz members of whatever age.

Useful and relevant links are:

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 - advice aimed at young people on how to find out more about abuse and what you can do about it.

Childline: 0800 1111 - free helpline for children and young people

Anti-bullying: - advice and guidance - advice aimed at teenagers (12-16yrs) on a range of issues such as abuse, bullying, exams, drugs and self-harm.