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UPDATED - TWHC AGM - 26 June, 8pm at The Nevill

UPDATED - TWHC AGM - 26 June, 8pm at The Nevill

Francis Bridgeman7 May - 23:07
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As per message in Pitchero to all members, notice of the 2024 TWHC AGM has been given and papers now circulated


Papers for the AGM have been circulated to members in Pitchero and are also available via the Club website at (you will need to be logged in to view).

Any queries, please get in touch with one of the members of the main Club Committee.

Many thanks and we hope to see a good number of you at the AGM next week.

The Nevill Ground
Nevill Gate
Tunbridge Wells

8pm on Wednesday 26 June.

Please be there at 7.30pm for a prompt start at 8.

Papers will follow from the Club Committee in due course and any member wishing to propose any matter specifically to be considered at the meeting should, in accordance with the Rules of the Club, submit such proposal in writing to the Secretary not less than seven days before the date of the AGM.

Members will of course have the opportunity to raise any questions on the papers to be circulated by the Club Committee at the meeting itself.

Further reading